Puhetta performanssista
Tii, 16 Huh 2019 18:00 - 20:00 +0300
Tuesday 16 April 2019, at 18:00-20:00
Rauhanasema – Peace Station, Veturitori 3, Pasila, Helsinki
Varaa paikkasi tilaisuuteen / Reserve a seat for the event: http://tinyurl.com/y6ro73mo
Lue tapahtumasta lisää suomeksi:
Tapahtuma Facebookissa: https://www.facebook.com/events/2150211541727719/
Let’s Talk About Performance! is a series of discussions about performance art that range from the forms and approaches of performance art to artists and works and their relationship to the tradition of performance art and other art forms, as well as ethical and social issues and current problems of performance art.
The talk is organized together with Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto (The Union of Conscientious Objectors). After the discussion there will be a short briefing about next summer’s Baltic Glory Peace Exercise, which will also include the arts.
For the conversation titled Performance Art in Russia 2012–2019 Kikka Rytkönen is joined by Alexandra Orlova aka Konstantin Mukhomorov & Elizaveta Savolainen. After the event and discussion, Rauhanasema sauna will be warm for all.
“We want to talk about performance art in Russia in 2012–2019. We are interested in antimilitarist, feminist and political (anti-Putinist) issues. In today’s Russia – officially not involved in military operations in Ukraine – any statements about war or anti war performances can be stopped by state representatives, and the actors can be punished with anything from fines to arrest.”
Visual and media artist, curator Alexandra Orlova has over the years interviewed people engaged in anti war activities.
Artist and sociologist Elizaveta Savolainen has created many anti-war art projects and performances in which she reflects upon the violent history of 20th century and contemporary injustices.
Alexandra and Elizaveta have planned and organized six art exhibitions as well as educational programs. Their collaboration has taken different forms, from interventions to public installations to collaborative projects with cultural institutions. Their main aim is to set up a communicative space in which different artist voices can sound freely.
Actions by the two artists consist of personal art strategies for solving an ethical conflict that afflicts part of modern Russian society: the gap between European values and Kremlin’s “geopolicy”.
The moderator, artist Kikka Rytkönen grew up in the 1970s as a hippie and political activist. She has been a visual arts practitioner since the 1980s, using recycled and household plastics to create works of environmental and light art and also videos. She builds her performances around music, rhythm and themes ranging from womanhood to politics and other contemporary issues.