Huom päivämäärä vaihtunut! War Resisters' International järjestää yhdessä jäsenjärjestöjensä kanssa webinaarin aiheena Turkin aseistakieltäytyjien tilanne sekä heidän tukemisensa. Webinaari järjestetään 21.11.2020 kello 16 alkaen Suomen aikaa. Webinaarin kielet ovat englanti ja turkki. Tarkemmat tiedot tapahtumasta sekä osallistumisohjeet alla englanniksi.
21st of November, Saturday, (2pm UTC, 3pm Central European Time, 5pm Turkish Time).
This autumn the Conscientious Objection Association (Vicdani Ret Derneği) in Istanbul has launched a new project. The association would like to start a campaign and lobby work to gather international support for pushing the human right to conscientious objection in Turkey. The project also includes research and documentation of the particularly difficult situation of draft evaders and conscientious objectors (COs).
In Turkey, the right to conscientious objection is not recognised and COs face a lifetime persecution, with repeated charges. Alongside hundreds of thousands of draft evaders, conscientious objectors face “civil death”, which means they cannot work legally with social security, travel freely, vote in elections or stand for an office, as well as being charged with multiple fines for not attending the military. In other words, they are robbed off their civil rights. The situation hasn’t changed despite multiple decisions by the European Court for Human Rights prosecuting Turkey for its treatment of COs.
We invite you to participate in a webinar where we will discuss:
- The general situation of conscientious objectors in Turkey today,
- The project of the Conscientious Objection Association,
- How to develop and strengthen the campaign for COs.
The last point is a question to you as well. Would it be possible to strengthen the campaign of the CO Association by organising online meetings with parliamentarians or other high level politicians in your country?
We would be happy to see you at our webinar on 7th November (2pm UTC), to discuss the situation and how we can support the CO association's project.
Registration and background information
It's a free event but registration is required.
Please register here (no later than 5th November):…
Background information could be found at,,
This webinar is organised by Connection e.V., War Resisters’ International, Vicdani Ret Derneği, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, International Fellowship of Reconciliation