Person who have been in the army can refuse to be reservist by applying for a supplementary service. Applying is done by filling out a supplementary service application (the same form used to apply civilian service) and delivering it to the army regional office or the Lapinjärvi civilian service center. In addition, application forms are available on paper from the union of conscientious objectors.
You can submit your application anytime after your conscript service, even after receiving a refresher training order, and even during your refresher training. It is automatically approved, so in practice it is just a notification.
Supplementary service
The supplementary service is similar equivalent to refresher training ass the civilian service is to the military service. Under current law, anyone applying for a supplementary service is also required to do so.
The supplementary service is organized by the civil service center and, by law, includes "either education or practical training" or both. According to the law, the supplementary service can last up to 40 days during peacetime. In practice, however, it has been assigned only for five days. Most of those applying for supplementary service have completed their service in Lapinjärvi, but since 2017 courses have been organized in other places and by other organizers (eg Peace Education Institute in Lohja, Rescue College in Kuopio etc.).
Period of supplementary service is subject to tax-free daily income (the lowest per day income for civilian service) and taxable supplementary service salary in the same way as in refresher training. The employer will also pay you the difference between your own salary and the supplementary wage, if this is provided for in the collective agreement in your profession.
Reserve refusals during crisis
According to a law approved in may 2019. All those applied and were approved for a supplementary service during peacetime are also released from military service during war.
Once the crisis has begun, those applying for supplementary service may be ordered to a beliefs examination and, in the event of a negative decision, to serve in the army. According to the law in force until the end of April 2019, anyone who had not begun to complete a supplementary service could be ordered to a beliefs examination, but starting May 1, 2019, the beliefs examination is required only to applications made during the war.
According to the law, those who start their service in the crisis are assigned civilian duties under the leadership of the civilian authorities. Exemption from military service also applies to those who have completed their service before the current law was in force.
For more information on reserve refusal, please contact the Office of union of conscientious objectors.