Statutes of Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto the Finnish Union of Conscientious Objectors

Name and function of the association 

§ 1 The name of the association is Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto ry (in Swedish Vapenvägrarförbundet rf and in Sámi Vearjjuinbeahttaleaddjiid lihttu rs). The association - called the Union in this document - is located in Helsinki and operates everywhere in Finland.


§ 2 The purpose of the Union is 


● act as a peace organization based on antimilitarism, non-violence and disarmament to remove all causes of war; 

● work to end conscription; 

● work for the full exercise of the right to conscientious objection respecting human rights; 

● monitor the rights and status of conscientious objectors and provide information, advice and cooperation.

§ 3 In order to achieve its purpose, the Union appeals especially to conscripts and cooperates with, inter alia, peace organizations, trade unions, youth organizations and religious communities.

The Union carries out publishing and research activities, organizes meetings, presentations and discussions, parties and exhibitions, as well as advice and legal assistance to conscientious objectors.

 In order to financialize its activities, the Union may engage in publishing and cultural activities, organize lotteries as well as sell support products. The Union may own real estate as well as receive donations and wills. 


§ 4 The Union may include as full members persons who are conscientious objectors or accept the International Declaration of War Resisters: "War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war, and to strive for the removal of all causes of war. "

In addition, individuals and legal entities may be accepted as supporting members of the association.

The Union may collect membership fees from its members and support members, which are decided by the Union's autumn meeting. 

Institutions of the Union 

§ 5 The institutions of the union are the Meeting of the Union and the Board.

The members of the association have the right to vote at the Meetings of the Union.

§ 6 There are two actual Meetings a year. The Spring Meeting will be held between February and April and Autumn Meeting between September and December at a time to be determined by the Board. Additional Meeting shall be convened whenever the Board deems it necessary or at least one-tenth (1/10) of the members of the Union demand it. The meeting shall then be held within one month of the request.

The members can also participate in the Meetings of the Union remotely, if that has been announced in the invitation to the Meeting.

Invitations to the Meetings of the Union shall be sent by the Board at least two (2) weeks before the Meeting by post or by e-mail.

§ 7 Spring meeting 

● hears the Board's report on the activities of the Union during the previous calendar year, and the auditor's report on the activities during the calendar year; 

● approve the financial statements and decide on the discharge; 

● elects new members to replace the resigning members of the Board next term of office; 

● discusses other matters submitted to the meeting by the members of the Board and the Union.

Autumn meeting 

● approve the Union's action plan and budget for the following calendar year; 

● elects new members to replace the resigning members of the Board next term of office; 

● elects the auditor and the deputy auditor for the following calendar year; 

● discusses other matters submitted to the meeting by the members of the Board and the Union.

 The members of the Union have the right to submit matters to the meeting of the association by announcing it in writing to the Board of the Union at least ten (10) days before the Meeting.

Also other matters may be considered during the meeting. if the two-thirds (2/3) majority of the participants so decides. The proposals concerning the matters mentioned in sections 23 and 24 of the Association Act should be declared at least one month before the Meeting and may not be considered unless mentioned in the invitation to the Meeting. The minutes of a Meeting shall be inspected by two persons selected by the meeting person.

§ 8 The Board of the Association consists of twelve (12) members. Members are elected for one year at a time. Half of the members will be elected at the Spring Meeting and half at the Autumn Meeting. The term of those elected at the Spring Meeting shall last until the Spring Meeting of the following year, and the term of those elected in Autumn Meeting until the Autumn Meeting of the following year.

The Board shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary among its members. The task of the Board is 

● to implement the decisions of the Meetings of the Union; 

● manage the Union's finances; 

● maintain a list of members: 

● take on and dismiss the staff of the Union and prescribe the conditions of their employment; 

● convene Meetings of the Union and prepare matters to be discussed at them.

§ 9 A meeting of the Board shall be convened by the chairperson or when they are absent the vice-chairperson by notifying the members of the Board at least three (3) days before the meeting. The Board shall be convened at the request of at least two (2) members in writing for the matter. The Board has a quorum in the presence of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and three (3) members. Board meetings can also be attended remotely, if that is notified in the invitation to the meeting. Matters shall be decided by a majority of votes. If none of the sides gets a majority, the Board will cast lots on the decision. 

Other provisions

§ 10 The name of the Union shall be written by the chairperson, the vice-chairperson and the secretary, two together.

The Board can order one or more other persons to write the name of the Union alone.

§ 11 The financial year of the association is the calendar year. The financial statements, the report of the Board  and the minutes of the Board meetings must be submitted one month before the Spring Meeting to the auditor, who must give their opinion at least two weeks before the Meeting.

§ 12 The Statutes of the Union may be amended at a Meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast.

 § 13 The decision to dissolve the union shall be made at two (2) consecutive Meetings of the Union of two by a third (2/3) of the votes cast. In the event of the dissolution of the Union, the latter meeting, which shall take a decision on the matter, shall decide how the remaining funds will be used to further the purposes of the Union. Should the Union come to its end, the remaining funds will be handed over to peace work of War Resisters' International, headquartered in London.